Welcome to Integrated Movement and Wellness!

Our Mission Statement

Integrated Movement and Wellness is committed to creating an environment that feels safe, drives curiosity, and promotes healing of the body. The word “wellness” is included in our name because I value the body as a whole. 

Movement is connected to the mind, body and spirit. Pilates can embody this and be more than just a workout. It is truly my heart's passion to teach you the “owner's manual” of your body in a playful manner. Movement is fun!

Continued education is held in the highest regard. Striving to be a cutting edge practitioner is my commitment for every client and anyone that encounters this work.

Kendel Pink

Owner and Master Teacher

Kendel Pink has a gift for serving people. With over twenty-six years of experience, she works with clients from athletes to those who suffer from a lifetime of chronic pain. And she does this with compassion, patience and imagination.

She received her Pilates certificate in 1998 from Long Beach Dance Conditioning under the mentor ship of Master Teacher, Marie-Jose Blom. With the focus on biomechanical movement re-education, Kendel was drawn to therapeutic Pilates after a personal accident debilitated her for 7 years. Her continued hunger for education has lead her to follow and gain knowledge from some of the greats in the somatic world. Kendel is also a Level 1 certified instructor 

In 2012, Kendel became the Owner and Director of the legendary Long Beach Dance Conditioning Teacher Training, which she now runs virtually from her home studio in Arizona. The 200 hour Teacher Training is now known as the "Advanced Movement Therapy Pilates Teacher Training."

As a presenter, Kendel is able to give lectures on the healing ability of the body in a fun and interesting way. Her workshops include “Pilates for the Athletic Equestrian” and “The Genius is in The Details”. As a servant to her community, she has given many hours to teaching Pilates based exercise classes for P.E. at elementary schools and for local athletic teams all over Orange County.

Kendel is a wife, mother, equestrian, and crazy dog lover.


“I was referred to Kendel by my primary care doctor. The reason for the referral was that I was having knee pain and discomfort in walking and standing for a very long time due to injuries and arthritis. I was informed by the doctors, after several knee surgeries, the only option was to have knee replacements or end up in a wheelchair.

I had no idea what Pilates or biomechanical movement of the body was about. I made an appointment with Kendel and during our meeting, I felt an immediate connection, comfortable and impressed by how she explained, in detail, what would be involved during the sessions. I had faith in Kendel and was convinced that with her knowledge and expertise she could help me. She is so inspiring and compassionate about her work that you can’t help but want to continue on session after session. I honestly felt an improvement after each visit. As a matter of fact, after my very first session, I could walk down stairs without holding onto the hand rail and I was not able to do that for years. She worked with me constantly encouraging me to continue procedures at the studio and at home. Time moving on I not only gained upper and lower body strength, but also better posture and better breathing. Now the time was approaching when I had to make a decision on when to have the surgery. One day while working on the reformer, out of the blue, Kendel smiled at me and said “Rock Star, your progress has come so far, you are going to get through the knee replacement surgery like a champ, and will walk tall and painless with those shinny new knees”. How could you not believe in that kind of optimism? She gives you a sense of self confidence and, as a bonus; she has a great sense of humor. She is my hero and always makes me laugh and I love that about her. Kendel is very patient, kind and spiritual person who listens to what you’re feeling during workouts. She constantly has her eyes on what and how your body reacts to the session. Sometimes I think she has super powers when she knows exactly what you’re not doing correctly in areas not seen.

In early August, I met with the surgeon to discuss my surgery options. He was more than pleased with my prep work and assured me that I was a good candidate for bilateral knee replacement (even at my age). In late September, I had surgery that went extremely well and the recovery was unbelievable. I was told by the doctor and physical therapist, that I was three weeks ahead of the normal recovery time for this type of surgery. The success of my surgery is my faith in God and all the prayers from loved ones. One week from the day of surgery I wanted so badly to show Kendel how well I was recovering so I had my daughter-in-law drive me to the studio. I walked up a flight of 23 stairs. When Kendel turned around the look on her face was priceless.

I have been very blessed with an excellent surgeon, and Kendel, a teacher/instructor and an amazing new friend that I will cherish forever. I am back at the studio continuing to improve my body, mind and all the other benefits of Pilates!!”

— Bonnie Lee Velleman

“Training with Kendel is a true breath of fresh air, an uplifting healthy relationship, a positive learning experience and the best possible thing I could do for my wellbeing.  If I wasn't ‘living the dream’ of sailing around the world right now, I would still be treating myself to these precious sessions with Kendel.  Even as I live ‘the dream’, I still miss my time with her but thanks to her expert teachings I carry her with me whenever I kayak, swim, hike, sail, run, stretch, do yoga or Pilates, pet my dog, hug my partner of 25 years, live life…”

“Working with Kendel is magical.  She, unlike so many of the massage therapists, chiropractors, doctors, and other trainers I’ve worked with over the years, is not trying to ‘fix’ or ‘change’ me – instead – she is improving the puzzle that I am and teaching me how to work with and love what I have.  She doesn’t come with preconceived ideas of what I ‘should’ become but slowly chisels away guided by the layers as they fall off or as the flow of my body changes, exposing or awakening new gifts.  Her ego does not get in the way of my transformation for the better.  For someone who has so much to give, she is unassuming and down to earth therefore extremely easy to connect with.”

“Exercising with Kendel is worth every penny.  Living on a limited budget I happily traded any facials, hair colors, manicures, pedicures or days at the spa, for a life-long experience from the inside out rather than a short-lived one on the outside only.  Working this way is so powerful that you become it.  Values deeply change when one has an improved sense of self.  When I came down with pneumonia and was bedridden for 6 weeks I feared having to start my program all over again but was very surprised to see I had lost nearly no strength.  For someone my age (a grandmother of 6) – I think that is phenomenal!  Speaking of grandkids… I can keep up with all of them thanks to my better understanding of how to move more efficiently and consciously.”

“Learning with Kendel has been such a blessing – I can hardly describe my gratitude to have found someone so talented, patient, giving, spiritual, and loving.  Her knowledge goes far beyond Pilates, yoga, Gyro, weights, and dance.  She doesn’t forget how to live, what to eat, or take care of family and friends.  I’ve learned so much from her that I can now use that knowledge to help friends and family with some of their physical challenges.”

“Thanks to Kendel I am no longer my scoliosis.  I came to her because of the side effects of my fairly advanced scoliosis.  Lower back pains, numbness at the back of leg, right arm weakness.  I could barely sit or walk without pain.  I could not use my right arm for heavy lifting.  I was worried these issues would prevent me from sailing.  Two and a half years later I’m still problem free enjoying life.”

“The only drawback after being with Kendel is the difficulty of finding any other person as well informed and with so much integrity.  When partaking in yoga, exercise or Pilates classes (when we are on land) I seemingly know and understand more body mechanics than most teachers/trainers…  Kendel gave me the best foundation in the world to use and develop as I grow older and, hopefully, wiser.

I always looked forward to my fun and unforgettable times with Kendel and so will you as you get to know the beautiful being that she is.  Privileges such as these don’t come around very often – don’t miss out.”


“I was involved in a serious accident over 4 years ago while responding to a fire. I was off work for 6 months with my injuries which included bulging discs in my neck and lower back and a fractured sternum.  I went to traditional therapy and returned to work after my sternum healed. I still experienced pain and stiffness in my neck and back and weakness in my left leg and right arm.  My neurologist and orthopedist both recommended Pilates.  I was desperate to find something that would bring me back the quality of life I enjoyed before my accident.  As well as be able to finish my career in the fire service with full retirement.

I began Pilates with Kendel over 2 years ago and began seeing results that I could never obtain through traditional therapy. She incorporated floor, ball and Thera-band exercises, breathing techniques and foam roller work to strengthen my core and elongate my spine to take the pressure off the bugling discs. Without this program I don't know if I could have continued working in the fire service. I now am able to enjoy activities such as snowboarding, mountain biking, and surfing again, thanks to Kendel and Pilates.”

— Captain Dave Viar- Santa Ana Fire Department

“I am a registered nurse, suffering from chronic pain. The pain has increased over the last 13 years. The use of my legs has reduced, to the point where I knew I would be in a a wheelchair soon. I began a plan to walk 10 more years, I have gone through physical therapy and have had numerous injections in my spine, all have helped to reduce my pain and medications. It wasn't until I was introduced to Kendel and her amazing instruction and resistance training program she has for the pain patients- then I knew I would make my goal. To me Pilates was a class for people who wanted a tight body "by summer", not for someone in pain. Working with Kendel has really changed my mind. She targets her instruction for the pain patient, teaching me form and function of proper body mechanics that is gentle on my body but has lasting results! Over the course of a few months I have made great strides and am much stronger! I now walk with less stress and pain- there's even a bounce in my step! I know with Kendel’s help, instead of my 10 year goal, I will be walking the rest of my life!

— Carmen L.

“I was referred to Kendel about a year and a half ago by my chiropractor.  I was dealing with neck, shoulder and nerve pain related to a bone spur and stenosis in my cervical spine.

My experience with Kendel and Pilates has been a blessing in disguise.  My posture has remarkably improved and I am running pain free and clear from any nerve impingements.  Most who run with me cannot believe that its me coming in the distance because my gait and mechanics have improved so much- I am a believer!

I am new to Pilates and believe it will enhance the quality of my running while increase my longevity.  I am just beginning to grasp the mental aspects of Pilates and the depth of the work.

The most important aspect of my experience has been my relationship with Kendel.  She has a passion and heart in what she does and she challenges and stretches me figuratively and literally.

As an instructor, Kendel is on the cutting edge of her profession.”

— Mike K. - Ultra Marathoner

“You've changed my life!  And I'm not saying that lightly!  By the time I reached you, I was in a constant state of back pain.  I could no longer wear high heels, I ached in my shoulder  blades, and I had back and neck spasms that were so bad I couldn't turn over in bed at night!  I was reasonably fit for having done Pilates and cardiovascular training for the past 30 years. In general, the harder I worked, the more aches and pains I had.

At first, I was skeptical about your exercise program.  It seemed too easy and I might have quit had I not brought a physical therapist to a session with me.  She told me "you really knew your stuff" and that she would be learning Pilates herself.

You told me I wasn't engaging certain muscles in my tush- four other instructors had also told me that but I just couldn't isolate it!  They all gave up on me. You didn't!  You tried different positions, different cues until I finally got it. It wasn't easy- And it still isn't easy!  but you watch me each session until I get into the correct muscles.  Other instructors commented that my arms were crooked. However, they didn't suggest any exercises to correct this condition. Today I can say they hang down straight thanks to your instruction.

For the first time in 30 years, I no longer have a dull ache in my mid back and neck- when I learned to play golf, you said you could help me with my game- and you have! I have cut 4 strokes from my score!  I really like the confidence I have now to hit a good clean fairway shot.

What separates you from all the other Pilates instructors is your genuine concern about my well-being.  You taught me how to carry myself through daily activities. You went to my car and showed me how to sit properly in my car.  You taught me how to walk correctly, stand correctly, exercises to do as homework and update them as needed.  Pilates with you is not just a 2 hour a week program, it's a lifestyle.

All in all Kendel, I credit you for the fact that physically I feel better than I did 30 years ago. And I look better!  Thank you from one of your many appreciative fans.  My husband just walked by the computer and commented that my testimonial was too long.  He suggested I simply write, ‘I'm one sexy woman now.’"

— M

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Advanced Movement Therapy Pilates Teacher Training

26 years of development and work in the therapeutic field culminated in a therapy based Pilates teacher training. Certification includes Core Intelligence, Functional Anatomy, Mat 1-2, and Reformer 1-2.

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How can I help?

Questions about who I am, what I do, and how I can help you? Reach out via email or with phone number provided and I would love to speak with you.

If you are ready to book your appointment today, give me a call at (714) 801-3583.